Free Period Press
Sticker | Rest is Productive | Free Period Press
Sticker | Rest is Productive | Free Period Press
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Like many entrepreneurs, I founded Free Period Press to solve my own problem. (Hi! I’m Lora, the founder of Free Period.) As your classic overachiever, productivity and efficiency has a tendency to run my life. But when I reflect on my favorite days, they are never about checking off everything off my to do list. Rather, they are the ones when I’m connected to my body, mind, and community. I created Free Period Press to help us all create more of those days.
In a world designed to distract us into always wanting more, we’re here to remind you to check in with what really matters and to keep a sense of humor along the way.
Free Period Press translates the latest research about living well into simple and friendly tools to help you slow down, unplug, and take care.